Saarang 2012

Thursday, January 26, 2012 3 comments
First let me answer you some questions on the back of your head . Is this a review of saarang? Or  is it just a summary? Are we talking about people's views here or just my own ? will I be talking about specific people or simply some random guys?

I say its a ramped up mixture of all that.We shall begin with the night shows that have always been the center stage of Saarang. Let me start with the choreonight.

                               One must admit that the choreonight was rather dissapointing when you compare it to that of previous years'. Even the so called dream team of saarang, the layola college , wasn't so impressive probably due to the clumsy mixup of their sound track.In the midst of all these good and okay level performances, the one team that had stunned the audience was my college team. IIT MADRAS choreo team.They conceived  an awesome theme and did a splendid job of presenting it. Espeacially, the female and male leads have taken it to the next level with their expressive body language and energetic moves.Choreographing  a great 8min dance sequence and getting the team to dance with  such a synchro is definitely an effortful task.And it deserves a sincere admiration to the choregrapher.

And to the choreo team of IIT Madras - YOU ROCKED and made us all proud!

                                  Now the rock show . I hate rock music and growling in specific.Why do people want to sound like animals when they have a clear voice! Anyway coming to the point ,I didn't take a rock show ticket and so can't give my personal opinion on that .But I want to mention that some of my freinds and my sister's classmate had left in the middle of the show. I assume you can imagine the reasons.

                                     Coming to  the DSP show . This is supposed to be a concert but could  be approximated to a  fashion show with a lot of dancing in it.Please note that I am not criticizing DSP's dancing here.Infact it was pretty good and a lot better than most of the telugu filmstars. But he was extremely hyperactive , skipped most of the lyrics in some beautiful songs and replaced them with some funky noises that really irritated his fanbase, which includes me.Overall it was like this guy in his bathroom dancing and humming at a high pitch with added background music. In the midst of all that nuisance one thing that really stood out was his story of making lyrics for a pretty girl that he saw near SAC.It reassured my belief that  beauty is initial inspiration for many artists in this world.

                                      Vishal and Shekar show-No one can really make a bad comment on that. It was over the top.And I sincerely believe that all those in the gallery who didn't move their bodies must be from some other planet.But one small dissapointment was when  '' sheila ki javani'' was not sung by the star of the show ( atleast for guys ) swetha pandit.

Finally some statements during saarang.

Saarang is getting noisier every year. We should think of shifting it to chennai trade center.- Profs
Saarang rocks!- Freshers
The quality of saarang is declining every year .  -Seniors 
Dude! This is your last Saarang. - Duals to B.techs

Saarangs come and go but _____ remains the same.
I hate saarang. Its the stupidest event that could ever happen.
The feeling of staying in room and eating in mess while Saarang is happening  is a memorable experience .
                      -My friend who went home during Saarang in his final year .


  • dinesh said...

    ".It reassured my belief that beauty is initial inspiration for many artists in this world."

    now that you are an artist whose your initial inspiration?? :D


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