Just a name

Saturday, April 16, 2011 1 comments

On one fine day, my creative right brain had an itch to blog.So first off , I got on the hunt  for a blog name.Many names revved through my head but none so fascinating. Right then,my logical left brain kicked in to my rescue.

" Lets keep it simple.What is the blog about? " , my left brain inquired.
" Its just about anything that is related to me."
" Well then , how about 'my world' ?"
 "Wow! Awesome name  ", I patted my back and admired my brilliance.

 I hastily typed in the blog address out of excitement.
Crap! Someone had already started a blog by the very same name. Ofcourse ,What was I thinking!
" My world" is such an obvious name for a blog. The author of the blog is someone by the name Yolande.The blog had just one post dated back to the year 2000. Then ,a small hope crept in. If I could contact this yolande , I might make him/her transfer the blog to me.

The Sherlock in me stepped in.I opened yolande's profile and found another 2 blogs, one of them was empty while the other had about 8 posts.I started searching for some clues to contact as if I were Shawn spencer.(Dont know who that is? Watch psych )

Clues:     I met HIM , my little doggie, the cutest thing, a cute jewelry box,....

 Peace of cake!The author is a female.If someone uses the words cute,cutie,nicee,doggie,jewelry  etc. frequently , you can be sure that your someone is either a girl or a gay.Small correction- Remove 'doggie' from the list.

I opened facebook and searched for Yolande, hoping to find only a few females by that name.  Great!! The results seemed to be just in thousands and all of them women.This is what I get for taking my time in going  through all the dump posts.While some part of my brain was trying to figure out how  to message all the yolandes, the other half was busy finding a variation for the blog name.And gladly it did ." Its my world ".

Same old story with a new author Surendran Cj. But this time my FB search popped out just the one.I mailed him,he promptly transfred the blog and here i am with my first post.

Thanks a lot Surendran!
Hi5 to all my blogging friends.



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