The guy with a 200 IQ

Tuesday, October 4, 2011 4 comments
DISCLAIMER : All the characters and incidents in this post are truely non-fictitious. Any resemblance to exaggeration or overstating is simply because you haven’t come across the guy in this post.

“ How did you do in the test? “, dinesh asked a guy wearing a cool t-shirt.
“ Did all the quant questions da. Got to find out why I didn’t get full marks “, came the reply .
It was a mock CAT test and humans are not supposed to solve all of them. But this guy smacks the test and expects a full.

If you think this is just a one time feat, then you are wrong.Back in his intermediate our protagonist had a habit of finishing everything within half the human standard time .Believe me, its true.Infact,some of his peers complained that those were the most demoralizing experiences of their lives.

By now you must have guessed who that is. Yup, he is our d**** Uttam kumar .
Though Uttam could solve 5x5 matrices  while listening to songs and reading a newspaper , he usually uses a calculator just to avoid extra flattery from the elec juntha. He used to take more time reading an Eamcet question paper than actually solving it . Usually his pen keeps bubbling the answer sheet while his eyes stare at the question paper. Now if you still ask me why he is called the RAPIDO, you got to be kidding me.      

Sources say that he has a mini-super computer in his brain . They also say that it is valued at a million dollars in the black market .Uttam, beware. 

And at times juntha doubt if he is an andro-humanoid  robot like chitti. Wait, now even I have that doubt. Never mind! Next time I will pinch him and findout.

Finally guys, if you have never seen a guy with an IQ of 200, its never too late. Just walk into Ganga hostel and knock the door of room no 216. There you go !


  • rajeevloya said...

    HE used to complete the whole assignment even before I solve three questions

    and u forgot to mention, listening to radio commentary and completing the test(daily tests) before everybody.

  • dinesh said...

    the utterly demoralizing incidents come when u sit beside him in quant classes.. every time a question is posed and u hear the answer even before u interpret the question the only response is "damn!! u gotta be f***ing kidding me !!!"


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